Winter. Pitch dark. Freezing cold weather and flash flood warnings lingering. The phone rings- it’s the Head of one of the local boarding schools: “Hi, I am missing one of my students. He’s a 14 year old boy, and was accidently left at one of the rivers (Zinn) during our hike. Search and rescue teams, canine units, mounted policemen and a helicopter, all begin to search. In the meantime, a message on the radio “the river is filling up and flowing…….”

Communication is a fundamental part of decision-making. Corporate managers work in a very competitive environment, having to make decisions around the clock with no guarantees. In order for them to

1992. Hiking in Sinai. The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking. We were hiking alone, Tal, myself, the desert and….Hadlil (our Bedouin tour guide which is mandatory in Egypt). 4 tiring days. We had spent the nights sleeping in the open desert. The weather is fabulous. As usual, I was carrying a lot of gear on my back which included a first aid kit, 3 head torches and my hiking boots. Tal, as always, travels light and is wearing sandals.